How To Enable Member Auto Join Feature

Jun 20, 2016 How To, Librarika, Tutorial

Libraries are founded to share knowledge to the reader base, therefore they should be open for all in the society. Especially this is the case for most of the public libraries, where anyone can go and check-out books quite easily. So, why should there be an obstacle to joining a library?

We removed the barrier, now you can make your library open for all. Anyone, can join your library automatically and request books online. You don't need to review or accept members individually. When they join, they will get a new member id assigned incrementally. However, after they join, you can change the member ID or other information just like any other member in your library.

How to Enable Auto Join Feature for your Library?

  • Go to Dashboard -> Manage -> Preferences
  • Check the option Join member automatically.
  • Save and you are done.

How Can A Member Join Your Library?

Well, it is very easy, just follow the easy steps given below.

  1. Log into
    (if you do not have an account, then signup for one first).
  2. Go to My Libraries
  3. Click on Request Member Access
  4. Enter Full Library URL you want to join and click Submit.
  5. You will see join confirmation message instantly.
  6. If everything is ok, you can go to the library URL and be able to log in right away.

Hope this will bring more ease and comfort to our Librarians. Also, do not forget to share your Library on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, more share means more exposure to your Library.


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