Basic Barcode Printing - a quick start

Jun 02, 2024 How To

Barcode Printing.

Printer setup and Librarika options to produce basic accession labels easily.

 These instructions do not cover all the possibilities but will generate usable accession labels quickly. If you get this working then you can experiment with the other options to refine the end-product.



I use a Brother QL-700 with a continuous 62mm tape of labels. This is not the cheapest printer but works well and 62mm tape produces good barcodes 62mm wide by 30mm high. The settings below work well for barcodes up to 8 digits.

                Printer Settings:

                                Paper size = 62mm

                                Length = 30mm

                                Feed = 3mm

                                Orientation = Portrait

Some printers (like this Brother) have an option to control quality. If you have this option choose “Give priority to print quality”; you will get a better barcode for not much loss of speed.



I have assumed that you have generated a sample set of accession barcodes (you will need at least 3 for a good test).

Circulations – Generate Barcodes:

The generate barcode settings are NOT saved so need to be set for every print run.

Object type = Accession

Code type = CODE 128

Width factor = 4 (Please note this is not the default but will fill the width of the label for an 8 digit accession number and scan easily.)

Height = 45 (Please note this is not the default but is easier to scan than the default of 40)

Line 1 = Book Title

I do not use line 2 or line 3

Binding fold option = no/blank

Remove prefix = should be ticked.

                Then SUBMIT

This will bring you to the PRINT BARCODES  screen showing  your barcodes; the options to choose from here are:

Page Settings – Presets:

                Saved setting = Roll 2.5"x1.5"


Page Settings – Page:

                Page type = Roll

                Page Size = Custom

                Page Orientation = Landscape

                Page Width = 2.5

                Height = Blank

                Labels/Page = 1


                                Page Settings – Margins:

                                                Left = 0

                                                Top = 0

                                                Right = Auto

                                                Bottom = Auto

                                                Hor. Spacing = 0.8

                                                Ver. Spacing = 0.8


                                Page Settings – Label:

                                                Width = 62mm (You must type in 62mm)

                                                Label Font = Arial (the best I think)

                                                Font Size = 12

                                                Padding Hor = 5

                                                Padding Ver = 3


                                Page Settings – Lines:

                                                Set all font sizes to 0

                                                Set all lines to Truncate


Print Barcodes – Print:

                If you are using the Chrome browser you should now see the print preview        of your labels and can cancel, if wrong, or print if OK.

                Select Print Completed to change the status of your labels to printed.   


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