Import Members

You can now import your library members / patrons using our bulk import method. We believe, it will help you to get up instantly with your newly created Librarika library.

Prepare Your Data

Before you import your data into Librarika, you need to prepare your data first. Please create a CSV file with following column heads:

CSV Field Names:

  • Type - value should be only Regular or Privileged
  • Member No - a unique numeric Member / Patron ID. Required
  • Name - Required
  • Email - required if you want to provide login access.
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Enable Login - value should be Yes or No. If yes, then we will send an invite to join the library.
  • Member Group - Optional, it can be any string that you can use to group your members, such as Grade 7, Grade 8, etc.

Upload CSV

Importing members is a two-step process in Librarika. Once you are done with preparing your CSV file, proceed with the upload option. You will be asked to review your data and confirm to save them permanently. Please take your time in preparing your data so that there is high data accuracy in importing process.

Sample CSV File

Here we are sharing a sample Googgle Spreadsheet as a reference. Please download it as a CSV file before you try to import into librarika.


Common problem during import:

Invalid character encoding can sometimes cause problems during the import process. To resolve this, we suggest uploading your file into Google Docs and saving it as a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding. This should ensure that the characters are encoded properly.


Need Help?

If you need any help in importing your members, please let us know at Contact Us. We will try our best to get you up with your Librarika library.


Best of Luck!