Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be (Outspoken Authors)

By Joe R. Lansdale.

Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be (Outspoken Authors)


Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be features new fiction starring Joe R. Lansdale’s unlikely best friends Hap and Leonard, two good ol' boys from East Texas who have a way of getting into some bad fixes, along with some of Lansdale’s most famous and hard-to-find Texas Observer columns. In his nonfiction, Lansdale discusses, dissects, and discovers the trials of a Southern writer's life, his personal literary inspirations from Poe to porn, race and class in today's unsettled South, the Cold War in East Texas, the tornado, and the Bomb. Also featured is a candi...


1629631523, 9781629631523


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