Fractals in Multimedia (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications)

By Unknown Author.

Fractals in Multimedia (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications)


This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications FRACTALS IN MULTIMEDIA is a result of a very successful three-day minisymposium on the same title. The event was an integral part of the IMA annual program on Mathemat­ ics in Multimedia, 2000-2001. We would like to thank Michael F. Barnsley (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne), Di­ etmar Saupe (Institut fUr Informatik, UniversiUit Leipzig), and Edward R. Vrscay (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo) for their excellent work as organizers of the meeting and for editing the proceed...


0387955216, 9780387955216


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