2: Heroes in Training 4-Books-in-1! Volume Two: Typhon and the Winds of Destruction; Apollo and the Battle of the Birds; Ares and the Spear of Fear; Cronus and the Threads of Dread

By Unknown Author.

2: Heroes in Training 4-Books-in-1! Volume Two: Typhon and the Winds of Destruction; Apollo and the Battle of the Birds; Ares and the Spear of Fear; Cronus and the Threads of Dread


Join a powerful group of Olympians as they battle evil with four books in the Heroes in Training series, now available in one action-packed paper over board edition!The terrible Titans are merciless giants who rule the earth, led by Cronus, the biggest, baddest Titan of them all. Cronus and his cronies have put the world into chaos—but the Titans’ rule is about to be challenged by a group of young Olympians, led by ten-year-old Zeus, as they discover their powers and try to claim their rightful place as rulers in various realms of the universe. This paper over board edition incl...


1481475959, 9781481475952


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