The Christ-Centered Life: 31 Discipleship Letters Explaining How the Gospel Shapes Foundational Christian Practices, Values, and Beliefs to Be Centered in Christ

By Daniel Slott.

The Christ-Centered Life: 31 Discipleship Letters Explaining How the Gospel Shapes Foundational Christian Practices, Values, and Beliefs to Be Centered in Christ


The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 is a command for all God's people to make disciples--to teach others how to turn all things in life to be centered in Christ by allowing the gospel to shape how we think, feel, and act. That is why at the heart of the Great Commission is the reality of the Greatest Commandment--to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). And it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that harmoniously ties these truths together. Most believers today understand they have a responsibility to make disciples, but many do not know how to get st...


0692908242, 9780692908242


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