The Clitourist: A Guide to One of the Hottest Spots on Earth

By Karen Salmansohn.

The Clitourist: A Guide to One of the Hottest Spots on Earth


Penis envy? P'shaw. From the bestselling author of How to Make Your Man Behave In 21 Days or Less Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers comes (ahem) The Clitourist, a witty and empowering guide to the hottest spot on a woman's body. For something so important to so many, there is a shocking lack of information available on the clitoris. An intimate biography of a gal's best friend, The Clitourist boldly attempts to fill that void, educating and entertaining the reader on every level, from structure and function to care and upkeep, not to mention handy dandy arousal m...


0789306778, 9780789306777


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