Mothering Your Special Child: A Book for Mothers or Carers of Children Diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (Asperger Syndrome After the Diagnosis)

By Josie Santomauro.

Mothering Your Special Child: A Book for Mothers or Carers of Children Diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (Asperger Syndrome After the Diagnosis)


So your child has Asperger Syndrome (AS)? You might have noticed that some of his behaviour is a bit different to most kids. That he becomes stressed when faced with change, and he doesn't cope well with criticism or failure.This book offers a fun and accessible introduction for the mother or carer of a child diagnosed with AS. Intended as a support tool in the initial period after diagnosis, Mothering Your Special Child is varied and engaging, and addresses questions or concerns that a mother might have, such as 'What are the characteristics of AS?', 'How did my child g...


1843106574, 9781843106579


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