A Lexicon of Saint Thomas Aquinas based on The Summa Theologica and selected passages of his other works

By Roy J. Deferrari.

A Lexicon of Saint Thomas Aquinas based on The Summa Theologica and selected passages of his other works


Because Church Latin has never been in colloquial use, its standards are set in stone (or ink, if you will). It has never changed (except by the addition of new theological or canonical terms) since the Church adopted it. Many of the more gifted fathers and doctors have made use of the poetic beauty of classical Latin, but when one comes to the Latin of the Middle ages (and, pre-eminently, the Latin of Saint Thomas Aquinas), the beauty is far more prosaic; it has that angelic simplicity that comes with the clarity of ordered thought. Not that the angelic doctor never incorporates the genius...


1930278454, 9781930278455


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