That's so Raven: What You See is What You Get - Book #1: Junior Novel (That's So Raven (Numbered Paperback))

By Alice Alfonsi.

That's so Raven: What You See is What You Get - Book #1: Junior Novel (That's So Raven (Numbered Paperback))


Oh no! Raven's vision reveals her partner for an upcoming science project will be Ben Sturky, a.k.a. Stinky Sturky. But wait . . . another vision shows the new team getting an A on the project. Will Raven be able to stick out the stench for the grade, or will she crumble under the power of second-hand stink? Plus, the new boy Chelsea has a crush on is super-fly. There's just one problem: he has the same name as-her dog! - from Amzon


0786846399, 0786847107, 9780786846399, 9780786847105


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