Seven Novelists in the American Naturalist Tradition: An Introduction (The Minnesota library on American writers ; [v. 8])

By Charles Child Walcutt.

Seven Novelists in the American Naturalist Tradition: An Introduction (The Minnesota library on American writers ; [v. 8])


The focus of this eighth volume in the Minnesota Library on American Writers is on the naturalist tradition in American literature. Like other volumes in the Library, it is based on a collection of pamphlets in the series of University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers. Professor Walcutt writes a thoughtful introduction which provides insights into the history of the naturalist tradition and its fruition in the United States. The essays included and their authors are: "Stephen Crane" by Jean Cazemajou, "Frank Norris" by W.M. Frohock, "Theodore Dreiser"...


0816607303, 9780816607303


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