Elsie at Ion (Original Elsie Classics) (The Original Elsie Dinsmore Collection)

By Martha Finley.

Elsie at Ion (Original Elsie Classics) (The Original Elsie Dinsmore Collection)


More stories of faith, family, and fun in the ongoing Elsie Dinsmore series Enter the world of Elsie Dinsmore! Christian values, innocent romance, family fun, and lasting lessons have captivated generations of girls eager to follow Elsie's life from childhood to motherhood and beyond. Books 19-23 chronicle the adventures of Elsie's whole family.Elsie at Ion, Book 19 Elsie and Cousin Ronald discover a long-lost cousin, Marian McAlpine, while Harold and Herbert Travilla graduate from Princeton. Long-time bachelors Calhoun and Arthur Conly find brides, and another family member start...


1598564196, 9781598564198


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