Palayok: Philippine food through time, on site, in the pot

By Doreen Fernandez.

Palayok: Philippine food through time, on site, in the pot


"The palayok, the round-bottomed, wide-mouthed native cooking pot, survives as witness to the beginning of life in the Philippines. The word means pot, and is the generic Filipino term for all earthenware. It is, writes Esperanza Bunag Gatbonton, "Early Man's earliest invention, proof of his ability to create new things not found in nature" Kasaysay, Vol 2, 1998 It seemed appropriate for the concept-title of this book, which follows food culture in the Philippines through time (history), on site (within society), and in the pot (where meld savors and textures, where star...


9715693776, 9789715693776


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