The Pursuit of Wisdom and Other Works by the Author of the Cloud of Unknowing (Classics of Western Spirituality)

By James Walsh.

The Pursuit of Wisdom and Other Works by the Author of the Cloud of Unknowing (Classics of Western Spirituality)


This volume contains six works written by the great fourteenth-century mystic, the anonymous author of The Cloud of Unknowing. Presented here are: "The Pursuit of Wisdom" (the author's translation of Richard of St. Victor's treatise "Benjamin Minor"), his translation of Pseudo-Dionysius' mystical theology entitled "Denis' Hidden Theology," his free development of St. Bernard's homilies "The Discernment of Spirits," and the treatises "The Assessment of Inward Stirrings," "A Letter on Prayer," and "A Let...


0809129728, 9780809129720, 9780809129728


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