Reclaiming Your Heart: A Journey Back to Laughing, Loving, and Living

By Denise Hildreth Jones.

Reclaiming Your Heart: A Journey Back to Laughing, Loving, and Living


Have you ever wondered where the abundant life Scripture promises is, and how you seem to have missed it? Do you ever catch yourself saying, “Those were the best years of my life?” A failed relationship, a health crisis, a job loss, the death of a loved oneā€•all can cause us to hide out, go numb, give up. Before we even know it, we’re simply coping with life instead of living it to the fullest.It happens to most of us at one point or another. For author and Bible study teacher Denise Hildreth Jones, it happened in the wake of her devastating divorce. But she fought desperat...


1414366833, 9781414366838


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