The Mutt & the Mustang - based on a true story of a dog who rides a horse every day

By Judy Archibald.

The Mutt & the Mustang - based on a true story of a dog who rides a horse every day


True story about a little dog who rides a horse every day. Set in the Colorado Rockies, a small dog, Kody is sad because he fails at tasks his large German shepherd pal can do. After making friends with a rescued mustang who lets him ride on his back every day, Kody discovers by being himself, he is special. In addition to classic illustrations, there is a page of photos showing Kody riding the mustang. This sensitive, true story about friendships between dogs and horses will help children appreciate animals and to realize everyone is special in their own way. - from Amzon


0615450245, 9780615450247


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