Bold Parents, Positive Teens: Loving and Guiding Your Child Through the Challenges of Adolescence

By Karen Dockrey.

Bold Parents, Positive Teens: Loving and Guiding Your Child Through the Challenges of Adolescence


Your Teenagers Are Under Attack.Help Them Defend Themselves. The world presents an unflattering, one-sided picture of teenagers–rebellious, alienated, and hostile to adult guidance. Sadly, many Christian parents embrace this myth and refuse to provide the direction their teens hunger for. We want our sons and daughters to make godly choices, but we wrongly assume they have stopped listening to us. It’s hard to know how to lead our changeable and unpredictable teens–or if we should even try.Even well-meaning parents believe the myth that teens do best when they experiment w...


157856493X, 9781578564934


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