Progressive Enlightenment: The Origins of the Gaslight Industry, 1780-1820 (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology)

By Leslie Tomory.

Progressive Enlightenment: The Origins of the Gaslight Industry, 1780-1820 (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology)


An argument that the gas industry was the first integrated large-scale technological network and that it signaled a new wave of industrial innovation.In Progressive Enlightenment, Leslie Tomory examines the origins of the gaslight industry, from invention to consolidation as a large integrated urban network. Tomory argues that gas was the first integrated large-scale technological network, a designation usually given to the railways. He shows how the first gas network was constructed and stabilized through the introduction of new management structures, the use of technical controls, and the...


0262016753, 9780262016759


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