Toby and Sox: The Heartwarming Tale of a Little Boy with Autism and a Dog in a Million

By Unknown Author.

Toby and Sox: The Heartwarming Tale of a Little Boy with Autism and a Dog in a Million


The heartwarming tale of a little boy with autism and a dog in a million. When severely autistic Toby Turner was excluded from school for the third time for hitting and kicking his teachers, his family hit rock bottom. Toby felt so upset by his own aggression, he told his parents they would be better off without him.Terrified, Toby's mum gave up her job as a nursery nurse to teach him at home while they found a place for him in a special school. Eventually, the only way the family could get Toby out of the house was by giving him headphones, sunglasses and a cap to block out the world....


1785032003, 9781785032004


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