At the Sea Floor Cafe: Odd Ocean Critter Poems

By Leslie Bulion.

At the Sea Floor Cafe: Odd Ocean Critter Poems


Dive in--to award-winning, funny science poetry about a remarkable array of sea creatures! AT THE SEA FLOOR CAFE: ODD OCEAN CRITTER POEMS is a creative nonfiction companion to elementary and middle school ocean studies.Let s visit a habitat shallow and deep,and boiling hot, where acids seep,and frigid and pressured and mountainy-steep,Come explore the sea!Examine odd critters, enormous and tiny,sunlit reef toasty and arctic ice briny,jelly-ish, delicate, venomy, spiny,They all live in the sea!What sea creature literally spills its guts when disturbed?Why do bottlenose dolphins wear sponges ...


1561455652, 9781561455652


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